fá yuàn
意思解释:(Punish wish)见“罚愿”。
< is moved > hair wish; pledges. (One) government-owned word. Yuan Guan Hanqing Dou E bad luck the 3rd fold: Install badger of brandish of O of Chi of Huang Qiaoyin class to hold the post of field of sulphur of linden of ┣ of head of archives of of of Liao Fen blessing! Parallel of thin line of of Piao of of pain or numbness caused by cold just returns call on angry about you also can are opposite at the outset blue sky ever ~ . (2) Wu Yu. Shanghai loose river. ② < deputy > certain (strengthen firm tone) . Wu Yu. ...
罚组词、愿组词、 童奚、企足、雕年、乙弗、永日、飘流、臧丈、正寝、学述、下忱、抑籴、惫懒、怀刑、归国、缀辂、水程、壬公、缛丽、欺谩、罚愿、