hán píng
意思解释:(Han Ping)亦作“韩冯”。亦作“韩朋”。 相传战国时宋康王舍人韩凭娶妻何氏,甚美,康王夺之。凭怨,王囚之,沦为城旦。凭自杀。其妻乃阴腐其衣,王与之登台,妻遂自投台下,左右揽之,衣不中手而死。遗书于带,愿以尸骨赐凭合葬。王怒,弗听,使里人埋之,冢相望也。宿昔之间,便有大梓木生于两冢之端,旬日而大盈抱,屈体相就,根交于下,枝错于上。又有鸳鸯,雌雄各一,恒栖树上,晨夕不去,交颈悲鸣,音声感人。宋人哀之,遂号其木曰“相思树”。见晋干宝《搜神记》卷十一。唐李冗《独异志》卷中、唐刘恂《岭表录异》卷中引此作“韩朋”,《艺文类聚》卷九二引三国魏文帝《列异传》、《法苑珠林》卷三六引晋干宝《搜神记》作“韩冯”。后用为男女相爱、生死不渝的典故。 借指鸳鸯。
Also make Han Feng , Han Peng . Pass king of the Song Kang when be the Warring States to abandon a person. Wife He, very beautiful, health king seizes, and convict by, punish the dawn that it is a city. Before long, by the couple in succession commit suicide. Wang Nu, must not add up to bury, make the person is buried, two grave photograph looks. Between Su Xi, have the end that catalpa wood gives birth to at two grave, day of a period of ten days and be filled with hold in the arms, the root is handed in at falling, the branch is wrong at going up. Have an affectionate couple again, female...
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