péng yóu
意思解释:(Roc swim)亦作“鹏游”。 像大鹏飞腾。形容书法运笔的雄健。 高远的飞行。
The source sees roc is volant . Call the flight is tall far powerful. Ou Yangxiu of Song Tengzong forgive crane couplet sentence : Dysentery of milometer of Xi Shuo of slope of of brighting danger of Mian of scar Fei plaque! L of Mai of of what of ǚ of Ju of firm Fu of chirp narrow one's eyes casts money of mansion of of Ju of be jealous of of flood W mansion husband book bandit does not move Duan Zhouzheng alone, first wherewith style of writing or drawing, only then its are made also, must answer disease urgently to fall, the eagle is inspected roc swim, the nature of the letter. ...
鹏组词、游组词、 渊穆、源源、忧难、夺胆、和丘、肉鸽、虚惫、倒休、串掇、兆民、轻服、绮幕、朴蔌、长兵、贵气、恒业、国谋、春华、先务、鹏游、