tóu guā
意思解释:(Cast melon)投赠木瓜。亦泛指赠以微物。语本《诗·卫风·木瓜》:“投我以木瓜,报之以琼琚。”朱熹集传:“言人有赠我以微物。”唐陆龟蒙《江南秋怀寄华阳山人》诗:“种豆悲杨恽,投瓜忆卫旍。”《古今小说·吴保安弃家赎友》:“昔年为友抛妻子,今日孤儿转受恩。正是投瓜还得报,善人不负善心人。”后用以称青年男女赠送定情信物。
Refuse watermelon. Show the monarch astonishs sadness because of news of sb's death of understand close official. Hold the post of , the word as man of virtual and ability , person of prosperous of acting rich of bridge of the Southern Dynasties. Bridge is man of yellow door serve when fierce emperor, ceng Renyi is installed solely, newly viceregal, be good at the each body essay such as watch, achieve, make an appointment with with poetic Shenyang eponymous, very regard highly of emperor bearing a surname. When holding the post of to do Xin Antai to defend, die at allowing to go up. News of sb's death passes into face in, bridge...
投组词、瓜组词、 雪子、干都、口炎、出钱、私箧、解累、都尉、森蔼、什具、灵圣、代及、霭峰、丕绩、夸诮、宗伯、于讴、严声、静扫、矜存、投瓜、