zōng bó
意思解释:(Zong Bai)官名。官名。复姓。称文章学问受人尊崇的大师。 官名。 汉 代官名。掌宗室之事。 秦 时本名宗正, 汉 元始 四年,改名宗伯。 《汉书·百官公卿表上》:“宗正, 秦 官,掌亲属,有丞。 称文章学问受人尊崇的大师。
Government-owned name. Chun Guanxu's official of week ceremony · : of of deceive of Zhuang of sweat of bay four ⒋ considers to lead) its are belonged to and palm state ceremony, with assist king and nation state. administer ancestral temple is sacred wait formal. Later ages the another namer with minister of a large amount of Bai Weili ministry, shi Lang weighs little Zong Bai. ...
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