líng jiù
意思解释:(Clever vulture)山名。在古印度摩揭陀国王舍城之东北,梵名耆阇崛。山中多鹫,故名。或云山形像鹫头而得名。如来曾在此讲《法华》等经,故佛教以为圣地。又简称灵山或鹫峰。 山名。即浙江杭州西湖的飞来峰。传说由印度飞来。 山名。在广东曲江北。
Big peak if beetle is fine be like awn, look to pursue namely screen pillow namely bed. Octogenarian stone cheeper spends record of Buddha of make one's rounds, thin cloud fat rain wraps buddhist house. Break up to write You Shan to write down via the back, bank note of the head that bring patch up is planted tree square. Idle of Ceng Daofeng's monk half days, ...
灵组词、鹫组词、 海堤、宏论、大率、皇庭、颠末、绮燕、凤车、盘滩、公声、论齿、运移、遵用、朗夕、富利、水排、管用、伯仁、轻侈、察观、灵鹫、