
shēn fǔ

意思解释:(Shen Fu)周代名臣申伯和仲山甫的并称。 借指贤能的辅佐之臣。




is lofty of · of poetic · elegance tall : Unplug  of Pie of  of  of Γ of case of  covered with clouds is ill! Α of reef of in the company of of Tuo of  of Ling of avoid of  of  of our steel Jiao: Bath of Kuo of large bamboo hat flesh of  of San of ㄗ of mother of Nai of rapid of Pu of Ga Α back! Lowing of Huan of  of ぴ of the Luo that read He big state-owned luxuriant, shen Fuwei writings brush. clear Ceng Guofan inscription of way of Li Zhongwu fair look : Unplug mire of numerous  of  of Su Lu dredge ' cherish my fine will, cannot makes eventually, still...

