yōu shèng
意思解释:(Deep and remote get the better of)幽静而优美。 指幽静的胜地。
Gansu head proposes a toast China gaze, cold hill turns Yu Cong. Forest of slight corneal opacity sees day hard, sharp acupuncture point gives birth to wind easily. Sail shadow dark blue continent outside, in gallinaceous sound greenery. Door of how about stone is promoted, ...
幽组词、胜组词、 中见、奠酒、游漫、栀蜡、坦迤、人镜、槁梅、驵疾、渊林、清才、铺凿、衔勇、环抱、瞳孔、怀忧、茶旗、哄市、集注、蕹菜、幽胜、