
tōu táo

意思解释:(Steal a peach-shaped thing)古神话,西王母种桃,三千年一结子,东方朔曾三次偷食,乃被谪降人间。事见《汉武故事》。后常以此入诗。




Archaic myth is fabulous, king mother is planted on the west peach, 3000 one seedy, oriental new moon ever was fed 3 times secretly. Chinese fierce story : of cough of if of stern of  of bead of cent of K of province of lung of put down of  of Yu of  of  of excuse me of joyous if of ostrich of bank  に ' gigantic spirit, you why ignore betray comes, is A mother returned not ' short person is wrong, go up because of showing new moon calls:  of large of  of cherry of beard of Hui of separate of  of  of  of Yao of naevus of  Qiang steel melt does  of  of slash  be surprised touch  to imprint

