
xíng tǒng

意思解释:(Punishment all)我国封建社会刑法和刑律统类的简称。犹刑事法规的汇编兼训释。以《唐律疏议》为体例,结合当时施行的格、敕法令分类编成,自唐至宋,历代沿袭。始于唐宣宗大中年间的《大中刑法统类》,现仅存《宋刑统》。




(The main threads of an affair of 1) silk. south the Huaihe River child · peaceful a group of things with common features : Divide evenly of large bamboo hat of  of づ of mildew of chasm of annulus of  of dredge of dizzy  of sunken leg  bears  of Huan of blue  Zhu to stop Piao of barren of  ancient name for a kind of scorpion to hurt handsome! discipline: The system of come down in one continuous line of(2) of Kang Naifei a huge legendary turtle. below king of benefit of Mencius · bridge : Boil  oh hurry swings disease of peach of fir of  of  of  of a low bank of earth between fields! feng Tai...

