
xí yí

意思解释:(A call to arms moves)文体名。檄文、移文的并称。檄文多用于声讨和征伐,移文多用于晓喻或责备。




(Document of government of 1) ancient time moves and a call to arms say, multi-purpose Yu Zheng call together, Xiao Yu and condemn. Liu Xie of · of bridge of the Southern Dynasties does a call to arms of Wen Xindiao dragon · move : Postscript come on reins  bets umbrella of eggplant of  of  of small  of  of  of Da of  of the  austral pharynx Ju rare lung! 2) releases proclamation notify. on smooth Wu Diji of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Cling to А of Jie of  of Guan of crusty pancake of sweat of  of Qiong plinth  ! Thin

