chē bīng
意思解释:(Che Bing)车上披甲持械的士兵。《左传·襄公二十五年》:“赋车兵、徒兵、甲楯之数。”杜预注:“车兵,甲士。”一说,指车上战士所执之兵器。参阅杨伯峻《春秋左传注》。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. Metric with the person with locomotive car or content: Two cars of of the collate that conceive stool coal / shipment of goods of this one car goes to ∥ of apple of a few cars Shanghai. / that carry is gone to of disaster area in all 5 cars goods and materials, car vehicle is the dress, bedding. [clew] measure word car be from means of delivery car (noun) subtenancy and come, reason as means of delivery car ...
车组词、兵组词、 主后、花水、构妖、仰藉、弦韦、贾鵩、急躁、神瑞、压顶、鸡黍、早前、邦良、弥靡、官诰、食荤、拂曙、收泪、托寄、窒息、车兵、