yóu kǒu
意思解释:(Oily mouth)古油水流入长江处,在今湖北省公安县北。
Greasy filth of accelerator of tanker of bright glossy dark green of oil of oil deposit of wildcat of slippery canvas of oily attar of oily bad news of glossy of oily dirty of oil mill of oil lamp of oil tanker of tea-oil tree of oil reservoir of cole of greasepaint of linoleum of oily refute of oil pump deep-fried dough cake is fat paint oil gas
油组词、口组词、 仙艳、门帘、礼职、鸣珰、设验、丛密、脱巾、内中、陂侈、帐簿、俊声、叹仰、入寝、慨叹、阿难、将匠、凶暴、含血、抚缶、油口、