
yí kū

意思解释:(Clear the fields of weeds withered)《易·大过》:“枯杨生稊,老夫得其女妻,无不利。”稊,通“荑”,草木所生的嫩芽。“荑枯”即“枯杨生稊”之意,喻绝处逢生;起死回生。




(The tender bud of 1) cogongrass. is · of wind of Bei of · of The Book of Songs static female : Read shank of second of wolf of  of  of cool Luo  in vain! Does put in: 's charge of ā coat thin d really. ) person of large of the · that defend wind :  of  of let down with a rope of carboxyl of  of  of curtain of basketry order elaborate! Which chalk of  of Tuo of condition of beans of Bei brown Fu handsome umbrella of cochlea of 9  small group divides  face wave of source Qing Dynasty scooping up, ~ of red of hill hillock pick up. (: scooping up 6 of ㄈ   collect. ) Wang Wei...

