shù dūn
意思解释:(Tree )亦作“树敦”。谓立性敦厚。地名。 谓立性敦厚。按,《史记·周本纪》引作“树敦”。 地名。 吐谷浑 旧都。在今 青海 共和县 境。按,《新唐书·王难得传》作“树惇”。
N of D ū is used at is thick . a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] it is echoism word, form accord with is Piao (heart) , acoustical accord with is to enjoy, original meaning is honest and sincere, honesty. Er elegant · commentate below explain archaic or dialectal words in current language : A surname of is ill! Pen just barium seeks Sui of of sluggish of of rinse Dan ! Hole choke! も whizs handsome a variant form of a Chinese character of . ...
树组词、惇组词、 盛化、搬铺、操场、劲鳞、行阵、革当、宝章、案验、垫隘、庸保、蓬荜、光统、画跋、卤部、逞胸、宜民、诡问、无点、牒诉、树惇、