guā dài
意思解释:(Melon is acting)本指瓜熟时赴戍,到来年瓜熟时派人接替。后世就把任期已满换人接替叫做瓜代。
Person of the group when melon is ripe replaces defend to defend. Language piece is the east bank that pass · state-owned 8 years : of Se of of of pleasant of grain of Pie of ⒐ of Pi of of buy of thorium of eight an official document or note is times brighter of ' reach melon and take the place of. ' hind say to hold a post expire by other succession. He Zhu answer does Guan Dengcong stage see the bark of eucommia send : Target firewood ah of cornering thirsty of ship of Zu! Thin
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