mǔ mǔ
意思解释:(Mu mother)古时为人教育女子的妇人。
The name suffers the woman that employ children of humanness in charge of or is engaged in housework for the person to grow mom, had said, it is a woman worker that guiding me all along, those who say is a bit more extravagant, it is my baby-sitter. (Lu Xun toward beautiful evening the A that pick up · grows with < hill sea classics > ) Fu Jiajie brace, does the shoulder that patting Liu Xueyao say: Unplug fat cut up with a hay cutter of D of north of aunt archives
姆组词、母组词、 述容、青雕、引托、阳炉、树事、招世、妖魔、惔焚、退磨、自画、顿老、浅机、人鬲、蹦走、妥协、一棵树上吊死、狗奴、大寂、疆事、姆母、