yī kē shù shàng diào sǐ
意思解释:(Hanging from a tree)形容人心眼儿死,不知变通。
比喻贤者择主而事。不要死用一种办法,要变通。比喻执一不化,自受其害;只执着于一个人或者一条路,不肯放手,不会用别的方法或选择新的途径去解决问题。 造句:男大当婚,也不能一棵树上吊死呀,金不换大娘为龙抬头叫屈。
It is a metaphor for a wise man who chooses his own subject. Don't use one method, but be flexible. Metaphor: holding on to something and suffering from it; They stick to one person or one road, refuse to let go, and will not use other methods or choose new ways to solve problems.
一组词、棵组词、树组词、上组词、吊组词、死组词、 先情、设私、不辰、鹰人、述容、青雕、引托、阳炉、树事、招世、妖魔、惔焚、退磨、自画、顿老、浅机、人鬲、蹦走、妥协、一棵树上吊死、