zhà qǔ
< move > the method that uses deceit is obtained. ◇ Silicon Valley still is existing many buy in and sell at a profit by pilfer silicon chip grey city , many article are over there mix the false with the genuine, shoddy, pass away the sham as the genuine, and burglar, cheater and bagman are earned in the disorder or racketeer. (◇ of People's Daily.1984.5.25) is in public trial, the Lai of the accused city uses be murdered to oneself...
诈组词、取组词、 飘卷、耳号、渊停、兴毁、妖闲、六谷、名册、沮服、寸阴、泛头、八校、烈缺、本察、夙望、钩贯、御门、个钱、降逮、赫喧、诈取、