
jiān dān

意思解释:(The needle is carried)挑柴用的长棍,竹木制成,两端尖,可插入柴束内,故称。




< renown > a kind ligneous, the carrying pole of bicephalous needle, much in order to carries firewood. (One) Jin Yu. Shanxi Xi county [] . (2) Fujian language. Fujian Xiamen [] . Guangdong Shan head [] , wet this world [] , current state. Yuan Shangzhong virtuous gas flower cloth the first fold: Emperor of turn up soil of  of lip of  of Γ of  of muddleheaded of О of star of brandish of captive of an ancient unit of weight of bay E Yu goes straight towards Ran of  of  of Bei showing disrespect or contempt to walk on ferment of  of the residence of a high official of bolt  head to bark anthology!

