jiǔ sī
意思解释:(9 think of)《论语·季氏》:“君子有九思:视思明;听思聪;色思温;貌思恭;言思忠;事思敬;疑思问;忿思难;见得思义。”后泛指反复思考。 比喻反复再三的思考。 《楚辞》篇名。东汉王逸作。意在模仿〈九章〉之文,以抒悼伤屈原之情。
family name of season of · of the analects of confucius : of Pan of core of the bless that boil inspects Siming, listen to Sai Cong, color is thought of lukewarm, appearance Sai Gong, yan Saizhong, thing Sai Jing, doubt is thought of ask, it is difficult that angry is thought of, see Desaiyi. hind with 9 think of call the ground ponders over many sided of the ground that turn over Fu. hold Chinese hackberrya in the arms child does · talk celestial being : Thin
九组词、思组词、 阜盈、指摭、五加、坚深、高病、蹇寓、朗耀、里监、拆钱、傍晩、曀雾、洸洋、季考、令箴、宿垢、险韵、侵欲、宽恩、福嘏、九思、