gù mìng
意思解释:(Consider a fate)《书》的篇名。取临终遗命之意。后因称帝王临终前的遗诏为顾命。 顾惜生命。 顾及生命。
It is originally a high official in ancient China medium piece renown. Gu Mingxu of · of a high official in ancient China : I admire Xue to break through two of of heir of beans of a huge legendary turtle of of low acyl of Nie of neodymium of Li of hand of blind of of wait! Bake Hui spreads Man to embrace vinegar of beautifuling Bei of B of of heir of of of bursa artillery piece paragraph bank of Yang hurry treats of Zuo violet or bear is sent at word word again, or room of Yu Xuan sufferring ~ . (announce room:
顾组词、命组词、 肥脯、驶马、敌视、岩峿、援剿、我私、斤斤、京样、炕枕、正定、九扈、光祚、项城、追曲、肝火、比玉、治制、贴身、搀预、顾命、