
nài dǔ

意思解释:(Be able to bear or endure earnest)亦作“耐朵”。 方言。你们。




< is acting > you. Wu Yu. Jiangsu Suzhou [ ] . is official circles reveal one's true features written down the 8th: Ah does Pan of  Yu tomb figure make fun of  to make an appointment with ⑹ of  of sole of  of Yi Xin Qu and lie  9 end chelonian first: Ah 8 models of  of cereal of O of  Cong gun simian umbrella of Piao of  ⒁  ! Does D of a huge legendary turtle of money dark blue cast Suan maritime beautiful biographies the 3rd: Ah does  break Bo Yun to set does Jia of the bone that blink  depend on Pi of the poison that enter fall from the sky or outer space

