
zhě mò

意思解释:(Reddish brown foam)指骏马所流的赭色唾沫。语本《史记·乐书》:“太一贡兮天马下,沾赤汗兮沫流赭。”




history remember · happy book : Scar  returns  of approach of Dong of monarch San Shi to enter a huge legendary turtle of Qing of  of Qin official Bo! of throat of  of  of cook of  of spurt Yun blood of sweat of big Wan Ma touchs immerse also. hind because of with foam of bare sweat reddish brown the bare that shows courser place flows is lubricious sweat and ochre saliva. Is Song Fan pressed down old newspaper endowment : K of bay Sou inclined Xu in all the animal of Yin , the Si of foam of bare sweat reddish brown. ...

