
wú rèn

意思解释:(Extremely)很;非常;不胜。 不能胜任,无能。 敬词。犹不胜。旧时多用于表状、章奏或笺启、书信中。




(1) is not competent, incompetent. Wei Ce of · of plan of the Warring States 4 : By Po ascend  of brown of  thing gate of a lane protects  of flesh of  of Lie of Lue of mould of Po of Qian of  of Lu of beautiful jade of extensive of   alkyne to imprint! 2) deeply, infinite, special. Han Yu is the bone that talk Buddha expressed : Ah dysentery of  of firm е of  bits た ! Stretch tight damask of  honest  shine of Dian of  of heart of joint of bones of  of rostellum of ο of brown bear  why to pay a debt of gratitude Should written guarantee only careless, ...

