zhá gōng
意思解释:(Labour of thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China)抗战时期,边区农村劳动互助组织形式之一。多由当地农民和外来短工组成人数多少不一,在农忙季节很起作用。
Fight war period, one of forms of coadjutant organization of labor of border area country. Comprise by local farmer and foreign seasonal labor more, number how many differ, in busy season season very effective. ...
札组词、工组词、 弓檠、丛伙、五法、琼玉、偷睛、竹幕、歹斗、羽葆、支遣、民害、散草、泞淖、嵯峨、惕虑、伤酒、出出、警呵、诬扳、逼扑、札工、