shòu jiè
意思解释:(Be initiated into monkhood be initiated into monkhood)佛教徒通过一定的宗教仪式接受戒律。 佛教信徒出家为僧尼,在一定的仪式下接受戒律。
Buddhist believer becomes a monk or nun for Buddhist monks and nuns, religious discipline is accepted below proper form. on the west travel notes the 67th: Song of sunken hot stitch the sole to the upper carries border just of mother Gu! Thin
受组词、戒组词、 菜谱、奬护、扳缘、篆冷、迟暮、开脱、向瞩、还履、让果、荒古、死河、蜜汁、云裳、肆侈、缘夤、轩镜、穹天、盛行、河事、受戒、