
chū chū

意思解释:(Go out)象声词。惊怪声;磨擦声;嘻笑声。 连续出现的样子。




< form > the appearance that appears continuously. [Bright] Liu Ji is gloomy ionic : Amine Pi Si annulus sulphur of  of Tiao of  of  Sha  growing permanent teeth  of  of  of tan1huan4 of  of  of farsighted   becomes warped saute   is ill! of Dian of  of Ren of Φ of  of ⑽ of dysentery of Σ of flatter of delay of Bao Ci Suan yuan] Qian Lin is chirp alled over : Of Zuo of alkaline land S of Kang of the that press fly, every give the desk and chair go out go. [clear] Shen Qifeng humorous bell · hangs down shade talks music ...

