shàn juàn
意思解释:(Be apt to coils)相传为尧舜时隐士。 洞名。旅游胜地,在江苏省宜兴县西南螺岩山上。有上、中、下、后四洞,多大型石笋和钟乳石,形成石狮、石象等景物。下洞地下河可行小舟,自后洞出。
Ask to search having, explore surprises to coil to be apt to. Tall name from Yao Shi, ancient Buddhist templeput on the brakes achieves Tang Nian. Column has Lei Wen to be in, because cease cypress is passed,well balanced. Climb narrow of Deng of trailing plants abide, turn diameter choosing is deep and remote slant. Jade room doubt leaves Tibet, jin Tang seems former times reason. without the ground...
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