xīn tíng
意思解释:(Xin Ting)亭名。故址在今江苏省江宁县南。三国吴建,名临沧观。晋安帝隆安中丹阳尹司马恢之重修,名新亭。东晋时为京师名士周顗、王导辈游宴之所,此亭遂大知名。参见“新亭泪”。
This is advance person swims part part, at that time scenery and be the same as today. Not dry iron locks up building boat force, be like is result of handle of Pu Kui Zhu. In autumn scenery of banners and flags of a few bunch, in faulting tear stains of hundred years hill. Rise and fall after all predestined relationship why thing, only idle talk fears the pain not fair. ...
新组词、亭组词、 命故、演史、实济、松瘫、辑柔、取向、完刑、自量、偏辨、大比、羁贯、賿曹、修达、驷介、膀胱、阶牒、务光、楚思、柳州、新亭、