gōng xué
意思解释:(Fair learn)英国为贵族和资产阶级子女特别开设的私立寄宿中学。始于14世纪。经费主要来自私人捐款。只招收其预备学校学生。在英国学制中占特殊地位,学习年限为六年。学习内容以希腊文、拉丁文和人文科学为主,着重培养绅士风度。第二次世界大战后自然科学和数学的比重略有增加。著名的有温彻斯特、伊顿、哈罗等公学。
Show England is a kind of when aristocratic children opens private lodging middle school formerly. A few schools of the our country after the Opium War that run by church or state-private organization also say fair learn, if achieve the Xu Hui of locate Shanghai fair learn, southern Asia is fair learn to wait. Liberated area of period of War of Resistance Against Japan also has fair learn, it is a kind of school that fosters a cadre, if established Yu Yanan's North Shaanxi 1937 fair learn...
公组词、学组词、 复陂、题塔、归德、阴行、产科、膏香、私市、摆掣、填帖、奏疏、入机、道右、轻赍、望阙、故尚、拘縻、该练、标志、猗陶、公学、