yī táo
意思解释:(Yi contented)春秋战国时大富商陶朱公(范蠡)和猗顿的并称。后用以泛称富户。
Show Tao Zhu of archaic wealthy person is fair (Fan Li) pause with Yi. Contented Zhu Gong is produced with treating become rich, yi pauses in order to make saline make one's fortune. See history biographies of breed of the goods that write down · . Hind wealthy person of generally refer to. hold Chinese hackberrya in the arms child does · pull out just : of Mao of of Ao lofty silk ribbon becomes warped favour of Cong of this ⒉ barren is ill!
猗组词、陶组词、 外江、复陂、题塔、归德、阴行、产科、膏香、私市、摆掣、填帖、奏疏、入机、道右、轻赍、望阙、故尚、拘縻、该练、标志、猗陶、