
gù shì

意思解释:(Consider Zha )《书·太甲上》:“先王顾諟天之明命,以承上下神祇。”孔传:“顾谓常目在之,諟,是也。言敬奉天命,承顺天地。”孔颖达疏:“《说文》云:顾,还视也。諟与是,古今之字异,故变文为是也。言先王每有所行,必还回视是天之明命。”后以“顾諟”指敬奉、禀顺天命。




[Acting] express to point to nearly. Point to acting thing. Make attributive, object. But interpret is this , this etc. · of a high official in ancient China too armour : Pliable but strong pigs revive O of Song of law of shipboard of simian orangutan of  of  of human skeleton of saute  . -- first king the command of the beautiful kind that often watchs this God, come consecrate deity and ground god. Le Zhi of · of history of the Song Dynasty : Revive А of ┕ of form of mallet of  of ┚  !  emperor) take an examination of...

