
pāng báo

意思解释:(Pang is thin)水势盛大貌。比喻其它事物气势盛大,四向扩散。混同。 比喻其它事物气势盛大,四向扩散。 混同。按,今本《淮南子·俶真训》作“旁薄”。




(1) < form > the flow of water is royal. Su Xun of · of the Song Dynasty does Wen Fu of word of intermediate elder brother say : Lei of Ke of delay of  of  of Beng of  of platoon of  of dredge of dam of of  of acyl of  of V of compose of bridge of  of heavy sole of limp of Zi hesitating spring wining with dregs is chosen! 2) < form > extensive analogy imposing manner is royal, 4 to diffuse. Clear · Shen Tao hand in emerald green a small room to take notes roll 2:

