
zhòng qiǎo

意思解释:(Numerous artful)众多的巧匠。 指众人的智慧。




Sui Chao's Hou is white, humorous fluency, friends like very much and he talks together laugh. Guess once take be troubled by, does Hou Bai give one mystery: above all Cabin of Quan of  of Xi of Xue of helmet of eat of gun of  of Xi of Xue of Dang of ammoniac thorough ginseng enemy Xue toad!  of our Chen Song makes fun of  Piao な to go straight towards Huang to join bed rash an ancient wine vessel made of horn Shan of withered of 4 moth second chases after which meeting has the world the back is so big like house, and stomach is so little like the bowl, the mouth resembles...

