lǜ tóng
意思解释:( Jin tung)绿色梧桐树。桐木佳者可以制琴,因亦借指琴。
泡桐,落叶乔木,木材质地疏松,可制乐器等。 油桐,落叶乔木,木质轻软,种子榨的油叫桐油。 梧桐,落叶乔木,叶子掌状分裂,木材质轻而坚韧。…
Paulownia, deciduous leaf arbor, lumber quality of a material is loose, can make musical instrument wait. Tung oil tree, deciduous leaf arbor, woodiness is light soft, the oil that the seed squeezes makes tung oil. Chinese parasol, deciduous leaf arbor, leaf palm state divides, lumber is qualitative light and tough. ...
緑组词、桐组词、 出性、收缚、恳激、交卷、咸茎、韬尘、枿芽、匠质、赞水、禹渎、行盗、霞影、屋顶、碎冰、泣露、池田、拟肘、占取、实效、緑桐、