làn shī
意思解释:(Excessive cadaver)北周·庾信《哀江南赋》:“谬掌卫于中军,滥尸丞于御史。”原谓乖妄地担任了御史中丞之职。滥,滥竽充数;尸,尸位素餐。后因以“滥尸”谓占居其位而不尽其责。
The source sees be there just to make up the number , hold down a job without doing a stroke of work . Self-abasement just loses excessive resides an official. Letter of the Northern Zhou Dynasty aning enclosure for storing grain is sad Changjiang Delta endowed with : Two of planning of ┯ of of neon of of of core of Shi of bake in a pan of regretful Pu! not virtuous person punish in order to go evil, although the cloud comes,list job numerous, take a person...
滥组词、尸组词、 狂僭、湘鱼、湘灵、石矴、宪籍、霜液、注训、厌贱、许愿、侍驾、贱婢、六博、苍霞、猪都、义墨、严闼、吾徒、机中、恒事、滥尸、