fǎ shēn
意思解释:(Law body)佛教语。梵语Dharmak?ya的意译。谓证得清净自性,成就一切功德之身。“法身”不生不灭,无形而随处现形,也称为佛身。各乘诸宗所说不一。 指高僧之身。 旧指修炼得道之身。
Join boundless and indistinct of zen path Mo Mang, ask the body that show a way north fights Tibet. Yu Jin often pours to thin very, see the person must discuss feebly. Only Zuo head knows my meaning, when growing a pine answer go up King Kong. ...
法组词、身组词、 平桥、久且、腾地、做线、绛仙、义冢、王宰、交隐、搂罗、收拢、今夫、继晷、和章、冰辉、徧观、执盖、温富、昭朗、櫰香、法身、