
xuán jiě

意思解释:(Hang solution)谓解除束缚。 犹了悟。 犹言解倒悬。谓在困境中得救。




You Yan solution hangs by the feet. Call to obtain rescue in the condition of pinch. is Wang Yunchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty talked : Dark shellfish crisp  protects  illuminate Luan  cook imprints! Ю of paddle of thin N of Suan of earnestly of postscript of a huge legendary turtle of  of Lan Yizheng  of  of hail Quan glutinous is worth copy of attentively of  of Meng  pull up! Crouch  to imprint of Α of ご cane banter and when the person that the husband is gotten also, the person that break is suitable also, install place of from time to time to arrange, this ancient place...

