fāng shuǐ
意思解释:(Square water)方折的水流。传说方折之水其下有玉。
盂(yú): 古代盛汤浆或饭食的器皿。盘是圆形,所盛的水就是圆形;盂是方形,所盛的水就是方形。比喻国君的言行直接影响百姓。语出《荀子·君道》:“君者,仪也;民者,景(影)也,仪正而景(影)正。君者,槃也;民景(影),水也,槃圆而水圆。…
Jar (Y ú ) : E of toad of human skeleton of natrium of car of friend of Pi of of billows of glutinous ⑻ drips it is quadrate that ⒌ of of of the danger that steal incomplete is fade to steal incomplete jar, contains water is quadrate. The words and deeds that compares monarch affects common people directly. Language piece a surname child does Mr · : of the Lu that boil and civilian person, scene (shadow) also, appearance and scene (shadow) . Gentleman person, also; civilian scene (shadow) , water also, is round and water is round. ...
方组词、水组词、 料人、塞下、熟耰、农扈、渚宫、路堤、璧日、香稻、佚貌、街闾、僧阁、偏驾、寒盟、郊位、团营、纷溶、众雏、余兵、机师、方水、