
wǎ shòu

意思解释:(Made of baked clay animal)陶制的兽形物。常用为屋饰。


屋上瓦制的兽形装饰物。李贺《潞州张大宅病酒遇江使寄上十四兄》诗: “莎老沙鸡泣, 松干瓦兽残。” 王琦汇解: “屋上鸱尾、 狻猊之类。” 《宋史·舆服志六》:“凡公宇,栋施瓦兽。”…


The animal form ornamental that the tile on house makes. Li He Lu city magnify curtilage is ill wine encountered river make send 14 elder brother poetic: sieve of ∷ of  of  of ζ of official of  celestial being admires Ling Yi small!   of of Jing of  of thin ⊥ Pan and so on of Ni of end of the Chi on house, Suan.   does area of · of history of the Song Dynasty take keep in mind 6 : Qu of Ling of basketry ┩ of farsighted  of amine filling  ! Thin

