
liáng rén

意思解释:(Fine person)古时夫妻互称为良人,后多用于妻子称丈夫。 古代指非奴婢的平民百姓(区别于奴、婢) 清白人家的妇女。




(The person of 1) goodness. Huang Diao of · of wind of the Qin Dynasty of · of The Book of Songs : Ammoniac twinkling Nao of  of to instruct Yu shakes  ! 2) has the person of ability. Han Yu destroy formerly : Ammoniac Si Xing of Bo  Yi pulls  to kiss of lot   can be apt to is, it is sufficient be actor. (3) wife says the husband. does Mencius · fall from a surname : Plinth of midge of  of error of force of core of rude of Ji of  of an ancient drinking vessel of eight Huan  ! N: of à of Y having enough プ scrupulously and respectfully 7 is the same as...

