
xiǎo shěn

意思解释:(Little wife of father's younger brother)亦称“小婶子”。称夫弟之妻。 亦称“小婶娘”。对叔母的称呼。




(~ child) the seniority in pointing to sisters-in-law most the: of end  stool cuts  standing tall and upright into parts deep and remote scrupulously and respectfully ⌒ of Ze of coil of formic the foot of mountain of fine of calamity of  of Se of wine of equipment of  rapid Lang. 47 · of of copy of Nuo of suddenly of  brandish coerce 1081 by, this is merchant the origin calls Mrs. Wang) to Mrs. Xing. The old lady thinks, also husband wants to stop the person in house, ~ child how to know (46 · 1075) ...

