huán zhèng
意思解释:(Still politics)致仕;辞官。 归政;交权。
Jiang Jieshi is in the speech on the meeting is promoted in constitutional government in speaking catchword, still give people democracy namely, democratic constitutional government is executed in people. Practice proves this is a kind of deceit. : of △ warlord times ⒌ bites gun of of to shirk of abduct connects prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun. (Yuan Shui is patted the folk song of Ma Fan Tuo ) ...
还组词、政组词、 簸箩、拖船、仙诀、神龛、读社、名额、究陈、丰厖、出价、兴文、星弧、遗寄、毓养、摄斋、寡鹤、调烹、三自、噇吃、滇剧、还政、