shī lǐ
意思解释:(Shi Li)《诗经》和《礼经》,封建社会读书人必读的书。 旧时常用来称读书讲究礼教的人家。
Point to The Book of Songs and 3 ceremonies . Also Confucian school of generally refer to is classical. Wang Jian send Yu Dan to move domestic city : Ah パ of rostellum of mow of value of of brilliant shelfing В is small! Thin
诗组词、礼组词、 禾秧、该富、三病、刑狱、陋污、炼思、胡嘲、七絶、探看、斥驳、堤遏、偃猪、大馆、柴筚、奉安、织室、匪懈、贫儒、挣痛、诗礼、