
pěng tǔ

意思解释:(Hold earth in both hands)东汉初,朱浮为大将军幽州牧,负责讨定北边。渔阳太守抗命,朱浮写信给他说:“今天下几里,列郡几城,奈何以区区渔阳而结怨天子,此犹河滨之人捧土以塞孟津,多见其不知量也。”见《后汉书·朱浮传》。后以“捧土”喻不自量力,或反用其意。




is Zhu Fu of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed carry:  of  of Qu of  of ∥ of Mao of  of  shake acyl is troubled by of  of  of gull of green of ⌒ of Mao of  of  of aunt of Mie of  of Xian of Zhang of S of to fold of north of ū of brother's son of babbler of dry up of beans bead  below today a few lis, row county a few cities, how with trifling fishing this world contract enmity the emperor, the person of this You Hebin holds earth in both hands with ferry of the first month of a place of strategic importance, see its do not know an amount more also. Qing Dynasty the Tang Dynasty...

