chén míng
意思解释:(Dirt dark)犹世外。比喻高远。 喻时局昏暗。
Still outside the world. Compare Gao Yuan. " does 12 · northwest have archaistic verse of < of machine of anthology · land high-rise > " : Case berth of ill g of of of Chinese alligator of fine gold of of of ヒ delay Wei I grow permanent teeth stopping ぃ kills excuse me of Lang Bi deficient! of the spoon that close bank dirt dark, faint outside dirt also. ② analogy the current political situation is dim. Bright · Song Lian send Huang Zhonggong to go to Guan Yuyao foreword : Does amine irrigate Ge dusk plain deceive of of 3 stopping ぃ
尘组词、冥组词、 义角、赤米、无款、搭卖、苞蒙、蹑足、责债、奋袖、口啍、徽声、枝栖、寒磬、飞景、交盖、实证、清怡、充拓、信管、善败、尘冥、