jiāng tāi
意思解释:(Oar embryo)瓷器名。因以澄浆成形,故名。胎薄体轻,精致美观。出现于明清两代,而以康熙、雍正时期的白釉印花及青花碗、印盒等为多。
China name. Because of with figuration of clear thick liquid, friend name. Fetal small system is small, delicate and beautiful. Occurrence Yu Mingqing two generation, and the white glair printing with period of Kang Xi, Yong Zheng and green flower bowl, seal box for many. ...
浆组词、胎组词、 还味、木兰、堂前、邀留、敬仰、比党、拖亲、土伯、窥瞰、高才、搭题、弄送、添答、辟忌、姑恕、侵越、逃刑、角质、睡兀、浆胎、