
shèng rén

意思解释:(Sage)德高望重、有大智、已达到人类最高最完美境界的人,有时也专指孔子。 封建时代对君主的尊称。 君主时代对帝王的尊称。




(The person with 1) character top moral character. a surname child does · persuade to learn : The larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of eight Huang Wei  of dredge of  of personal lift up dips in  of lift up  ! Bake of idle of λ of   be jealous of today everybody, its issue ~ also Yi Yuan, and shame learns at division. (2) old times is right imperial address sb respectfully. Wang Jian Gong Ci : Dark Mendelevium turns over  technetium a mythical bird like the phoenix to bite oneself  calls out  of arc of  world green! Shut Duan Jia matching to fold 4 tribute  just big...

