záo mén
意思解释:(Authentic door)谓凿凶门。古代将军出征时,凿一北向门而出,以示必死的决心。语本《淮南子·兵略训》:“凿凶门而出。”高诱注:“凶门,北向门也。将军之出,以丧礼处之,以其必死也。”
O of authentic Z á is used at chisel dig a well cut etc. ② is used at draw wrong conclusions by false analogy of give a far fetched interpretation . ③ is used at authentic the certain of character etc. Zuo authentic the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] Zuo it is echoism word, form accord with is gold, acoustical accord with is in above (the) that save sound, original meaning is chisel. say department of article · gold : Mix subcutaneous ulcer of ┠ of source of is ill! Thin
凿组词、门组词、 阴空、渠辈、邪学、调察、彼己、津帖、盈泛、雅练、稍麦、翘曲、九貉、诱敌、玉树、九陵、静艳、礼义、勺口、春温、雏鬘、凿门、